Victims Compensation Assistance Program (VCAP)

The Victims Compensation Assistance Program (VCAP) in Pennsylvania provides financial assistance to individuals who have experienced sexual assault in the state of PA. This program aims to support PA survivors by reimbursing them for certain expenses related to the crime, such as counseling costs. It is designed to alleviate the financial burden on those affected by sexual assault, helping them on their path to recovery.

VCAP does not require police and/or court reports from sexual assault survivors for reimbursement of counseling services. The program acknowledges the sensitivity of sexual assault cases and aims to support survivors, recognizing that not all individuals may choose to or be able to file a police report. However, it does require official documentation for reimbursement related to other crimes. The links at the bottom of this page help explain the different reimbursement options available beyond counseling. As this is a counseling and coaching practice, the below information focuses on reimbursement for counseling services for survivors of sexual assault.

How to Utilize the Program for Counseling Services

The process of filing a claim with VCAP involves several steps:

  1. Client Submission:

    • The client fills out a Sexual Assault Counseling Claim Form. They will also submit an invoice to their insurance (if applicable) to determine if they cover any out-of-network benefits. Insurance will notify the client of what they will cover in a letter called an Explanation of Benefits. This will be sent to VCAP. Florescence Counseling LLC will assist with completing these forms.

  2. Submission via Email:

    • The completed claim form is sent to VCAP by you, the client. This can be done in the following ways:

      • Email (the preferred method by VCAP):

      • Mail: Victims Compensation Assistance Program (VCAP)

        P.O. Box 1167

        Harrisburg PA 17108-1167

      • Fax: (717) 787-4306

  3. VCAP Representative Follow-Up:

    • A VCAP representative contacts both you (the client) and your counseling provider to initiate the follow-up process. This includes verification of your information as needed. You may also have to submit information as to why you are not utilizing your insurance, which myself or another provider can assist with.

  4. Provider's Role:

    • The provider (your counselor) will be asked to submit an invoice and form providing basic information on the services being provided.

  5. Information Verification:

    • The VCAP representative ensures that all required information and documentation have been provided.

  6. Claim Processing:

    • If all necessary information is provided, the claim is processed by VCAP.

  7. Reimbursement to Provider:

    • Your counseling provider receives the reimbursement for the counseling services provided to you, typically within 3-4 weeks (per VCAP).

  8. Notification:

    • Both you and the provider are notified of the reimbursement when it occurs.

  9. Ongoing Reimbursement:

    • As you continue to see your counselor, you will both ensure a claim for reimbursement is submitted to VCAP once per month. Once the initial process is complete, it is generally a simple process.

  10. Ongoing Support:

    • Should you choose to use my practice for counseling services, I will provide assistance and support throughout the entire VCAP claims process.

This structured process ensures survivors receive financial assistance for counseling services, and providers are duly reimbursed for their support. This information was obtained through VCAP’s website, which also provides additional information on other reimbursement options for sexual assault survivors. Please utilize the links below for additional information and resources specifically from VCAP. For information related to me and the type of trauma counseling I provide, please review the About and EMDR sections and/or contact me!