Internal Family Systems (IFS)
Claire is a Level 1 Internal Family Systems (IFS) trained clinician. IFS is used as a transformative, non-pathologizing tool that helps see each person as a system of different inner parts, all guided by a core Self. IFS believes that having these multiple inner parts is a natural and positive aspect of being human. Just like members of a family, these inner parts can sometimes fall into extreme roles rather than maintaining their more balanced and helpful states. The core Self within each person has the ability to work with, not against, these parts.
This practice applies IFS as an evidence-based therapy to help clients heal by engaging with and addressing their inner parts. This approach fosters both inner and outer connections by first helping clients connect with their core Self and then using that core to understand and heal their various parts, as needed.
But IFS is more than just a therapeutic method. It also provides a framework for understanding personal relationships and living life with the 8 Cs: confidence, calm, compassion, courage, creativity, clarity, curiosity, and connectedness. The goal is to help individuals achieve these qualities in their daily lives.